Bike trip 2008: New Glarus Woods

We stopped here in Vilas Park for a quick lunch of pita bread with hummus.

It was so windy Thomas locked his bike to the table so it didn't blow into the water.

We stopped in Belleville for more hummus.

We ran into a very friendly girl from Ireland who offered to take our picture.

This was a very windy flat stip of road. We had to pedal in our easiest gear and barely moved.

The cows like to follow our bikes and stare at us.

Last year this road was under construction and we had to walk our bikes in the mud and rocks up this hill. This year it was much nicer.

The picture just doesn't do justice for this hill...

We had a very nice wooded walk in site 28.

I wonder how many thirsty people have been drenched in the face by this water fountain.

Good morning.

The path near our walk in site.

It was so hot and sunny coming home.

Thomas got some real coffee.

Eastern Tent Caterpillar--they were all over.

See the tents in the trees with the caterpillars?

Turkey vultures.


Read the full story below:

We rode our bikes a total of 70.8 hilly miles this weekend to camp at New Glarus Woods. We spent 8 hours and 5 minutes sitting on the bikes and went an average of 8.7 mph (this all comes from Thomas's bike computer).
We left around 11:42 AM Saturday morning and soon stopped at Vilas Park for a short lunch break of hummus and pita. It was very windy outside. We rode our bikes through the arboretum, a great place to bike because it is paved but goes through the woods and by a lake. It is very popular with bikers and runners.
We took a break in the small town of Belleville, which has a nice park with a lake. We ran into a friendly Irish woman who took our picture.
After some more terrible hills getting to New Glarus, we finally arrived around 5:30 PM.
We found a very nice walk in site that was enclosed by woods, but unfortunately it was a bit too close to the highway so we could hear a lot of traffic.
We had angel hair with vodka sauce for dinner, and then went on a hike to explore the other sites.
The wood around was damp, but Thomas still managed to make a nice fire. We enjoyed more milk chocolate godiva liqueor with raspberry vodka, although some of the milk had curdled. Thomas noticed some other bikers had beer, so we might try bringing some of that next time.
Sunday we packed up and stopped in town at a nice little cafe so Thomas could get some real coffee.  He'd forgotten to drink coffee Saturday and still felt out of it.
It was very hot biking back, but less windy.
We saw many Eastern Tent Caterpillars on the road during the trip. You can see a close up picture Thomas took, and a picture of a tree with "tents" in it. The tents look like thick, white spider webs. We also saw many Turkey Vultures circling around, and on the road where there was a dead bunny. We ran into a racoon close to home.
Thomas arrived in America 3 years ago, and today is his first day with new funding from his boss, so we celebrated by going out for sushi. In the parking garage Thomas found a bat sleeping on a step.

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